Thursday, June 8, 2017

What to do on a rainy day

Today is not a good day to roam around the city. It’s been raining ever since I got here; 3 days in a row now. It's hard to find something to do when you cannot go outside without getting wet.

Anyway, my suggestion is this: instead of being stuck in the house, I think the better place to visit is the mall. If you are living in the city, I am sure malls do exist there. Even without money, a mall is always fun to go to, since there is so much to see. It is better than to bore yourself at home. So, that’s what I want to do today, I have laundry to take care of but, I can’t just wash my clothes now with all this raining, since I don’t have a dryer, and I cannot hang the clothes in the rain to get dry. I will just wait for a nice day for that. Instead, I go to the mall and do some window shopping (that is, not buying anything). Now I will get ready, and go out.

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