Saturday, June 10, 2017

At the mall

I am here at the mall now, sitting on this huge rock, watching all these people walk by. Some are with their friends, some groups are with school uniforms; maybe they just got out from school. I am actually the only one sitting here without someone with me. I feel kind of lonely. How I wish I was with my friends or family at this time!

Oh, well, soon I will get up, and try to get some food. That's why I am in the mall. I kind of want chicken for my dinner. Since it is still early to eat dinner, I am just going to take out my food, then eat it at my place. I am not thinking of shop anything else today in the mall. It's not what I planned, and besides I would only be sad if I see something I like in a store, and not getting it. When I have money, I sometimes shop for clothes, but I barely do it. I have enough jeans that could last for a long time. Now it is time to go for dinner. Have a great day to all of you!

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