Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Amusement park rides

It took me a while to find the courage to try a few rides tonight. My friends did their best to convince me to join them. I realized that I don't want to be left behind while they are enjoying the rest of the night trying different rides. So I came with them and we tried 3 rides. I forgot the name of the first ride. It was a 3D ride, but not as good as the 3D I've watched back when I visited Universal Studios in Singapore. It didn't scare me even one bit, but others keeped shouting. I was the only one who stayed calm in the show. This ride did cost 50 pesos.

The next one we tried was the Dragon Coaster, which is a a big rollercoaster, It was more for kids than adults, but there were plenty of adults taking the ride. It was more fun than the first one. I got a bit nervous because of the sudden turns when it was running so fast, but after 3 turns the ride was already over. It costs me 70 pesos. The last ride we had was the Octopus Coaster. This was less fun, because I was feeling dizzy during its run, and when I got out, I wasn't feeling so well. So I decided we should go home. Whatever my experiences was tonight, I admit I had fun. I think I'm ready to try new rides in the future, just not those rides that might make me feel dizzy.

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