Thursday, June 22, 2017

School Schedule

With just two days of school every week, I think I'm going to like this semester more than the previous semester. Monday and Wednesday are the only days I need to come to school. I have five days of free time in a week. I should be happy for that, but I am still worried that the subjects will be difficult. I have accounting and management subjects, and that does not look easy. I hope my small brain can keep up with those topics.

We were supposed to have classes on Saturday also, but our instructor was so nice to move it to Monday. So, Mondays will be long days in school. But I have no complaints, in fact it's a huge favor for us. We can come home to our place for straight four days. Next semester will already be our OJT (on the job training). Hence this semester is the last chance to get prepared for that. I'm excited to finish my course!

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