Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy father's day

Happy father's day to all the fathers all over the world! Especially to my dad who never leaves us even on the toughest day. My dad is not a person who shows or expresses his emotions, but as his childrens we can feel his love for us. We knew it ever since we were born. My dad may have a bad temper, he gets angry quickly, but only when he dislikes what we do that he knew is not good for us.

Love your parents unconditionally, and never disappoint them! My dad is someone we dearly love. We may all not get along with each other sometimes, but our love for him will never fade. He is everything to us. We also love our mom, but she's far far away, while dad is with us, and he takes care of us even though we are already grown-up. We will never trade him for anything.

Happy father's day, tatay (it means dad). Always know that we are here for you no matter what happens. We love you as much as we love nanay.

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