Thursday, June 15, 2017

Scary world

In this world full of bad people, you need to be very careful of choosing who to trust. Not everyone that treats you nice has good intention. At first, they act as if their intention is good, but once you've given your trust to them, that's when they start to wreck you. Never give access to anyone about you, and never open up your personal life to anybody you just met, because it is not a proper way for a person to tell her/his story to certain people in that way.

The world is becoming scarier. There are so many things we must be aware of these days. People gone crazy, killings are everywhere, bad and good people are mixed up. It's hard to tell what is good or bad. But we have senses, if we use it right, then at least we can help ourselves pick the right choice. We are all humans, and most of all we shouldn't be fighting each other to death. I hope that one day this becomes a better world.

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