Friday, June 9, 2017

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales, is the fifth movie of the Jack Sparrow series. What can I say? I decided to watch it when my emotions were twisted, and at the end, this movie made me laugh and cheered my day. That's just great.

Movie critics might be negative about the movie repeating the same kind of story all over again (a young hero, a confident and combatant woman, and a caricature of a pirate fighting against several villains unfolding some magic in the sea), I will never get tired watching captain Jack Sparrow, indeed one of the best characters Disney has brought to life. Credit goes to the great actor and my idol Johnny Depp, who gives the character Jack Sparrow the funny magic that makes those movies so special. I watched most of his movie, kind of late, because so many of his movies have been out a long time ago, but still I get to watch them on DVD. He is a guy with a sense of humor, I love him for being a comedian on some of his movies. But, what I like amongst all his movies are the Pirates of the Caribbean series. I saw them all.

Now about the 5th pirates movie: the story connects to the first 3 movies, as the new young hero is Henry Turner, the son of Will Turner who was the lead in installement 1-3. His love interest is Carina, who is always accused to be a witch because she is smart and educated, and at the end it turns out she is the daughter of ... ok, I don't want to spoil you, let's just say, of some other old character of the series. We will get to see Orlando Bloom as Will Turner at the beginning and the end of the movie, and even Keira Kneightly playing his love intestest and now wife from round 1-3 is in a scene. Javier Bardem as villian is great, and the special effects that make his crew of dead people come alive is astonishing. It is a fun movie for a nice afternoon. Don't expect any depth or philosophical enlightening, but if you need some good entertainment, go and see the movie.

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