Thursday, June 29, 2017

My cousin's school report

My cousin also goes to school, just like me. She thinks I am the smarter one of us, even though I don't feel that is true. Still she asked for my help about their report about prostitution. This is a difficult subject, and I guess everybody has a different opinion on that. Here is what I told to my cousin:

Women who choose to work as a prostitute or in a eros club often have the feeling that they have no choice. They are coming from a poor family, often from chaotic situations, and they are unable to study or to find any other job, because their parents don't have enough money to send them to school. Often, they have not even finished high school. To work as a prostitute is the easiest way for them to make money. Jobs are rare for the uneducated, and salaries are low in the regular jobs, if they can get one at all. Some women also work as a prostitute because they have kids and need to earn the money to send them to school. They sacrify themselves so that their kids will have a better life. Some also do this work hoping to find someone who would help them to build a new life. I don't judge anyone that has that kind of job. They only do it to provide for their family. And it is a hard life!

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