Friday, June 30, 2017

Good Luck, Cousin!

I just found out that my cousin is leaving this July to work abroad. Since long time already, he's been telling us that he is interested in working abroad. He was never satisfied with his salary from his previous job here in Tacloban. Just last year he decided to move to Manila with his older sister. He tried different jobs there, but again his salary was always too little. So, he started applying for jobs abroad. First he applied for work in Korea. He even went to school so that he could learn the Korean language. But he didn't get the job, and he and his sister only wasted money on that language course. Next, he applied for a job in the Middle East, but that salary was also very litte. Finally, his last try was Taiwan, and he got accepted to work there. It's been months sinces he started processing all the papers needed. After all his efforts, he is finally leaving soon.

He called last night just to inform me about the good news. I am happy for my cousin, because he is like a big brother to me. I know him and all his sisters well, because I have been living with them for a long time now. My cousin said that soon, my auntie will stop her job. That's one of the reason why he wanted to work abroad, to provide the needs of his family. He asked whether I have a luggage bag since he needs to pack a bag for the travel. Of course I gave him mine, since I won't need it for a while. I hope his dream will come true. He will stay abroad on a 3 years contract, so it will be a long time until we see him again. Good luck, cousin!

Happy Fiesta, Tacloban

It's a super busy day for everyone that lives here in Tacloban, because today is Fiesta, a very special occasion for all Tacloban people. Everyone is having fun, watching shows, live bands, and riding different rides. many people go to RTR, the place with live bands. You can't easily get in, due to tight security. Although you don't need to pay for the entrance. The security will just check your luggage, and there are many signs with instructions what is inside allowed and not.

Authorities have tighten their security for the sake of everyone. Nowadays it's too dangerous going to crowded places, because that's mostly where terrorist go to install bomb. Like what happened in Davao, and to some other places too. Last night I was out with my friends, and we were stopped by police and were asked random questions. Policemen were everywhere last night. I think they did a great job for securing everyone. Anyway, Happy Fiesta, Tacloban!

Last night

Coming home drunk is not ladylike. It can even be dangerous to commute drunken alone at night. But I've done it last night. I didn't  plan to drink alcohol and to get wasted. When I left my boarding house, I only wanted to eat. No idea about drinking yet! So I met up with my friends and we went to 'Albertos' which is a cheap restaurant for students. They serve pizza as well.

So we had our dinner at Albertos. We chitchat, until someone in the group came up with the idea that we should drink to celebrate the night being together. Who am I to disagree? LOL. I was thirsty! Everyone agreed, so we went to RTR and MAGS. While we were drinking I couldn't help, but burst out laughing at the gay guys at the stage saying hilarious jokes to entertain the crowd. They did it well, and we were all laughing until they were done telling jokes. I wasn't really paying attention to the time, until I realized I need to go home because it was very late.

That's how I got drunk. But the good thing is that it helps me sleep quickly. Good night!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Parade of Lights (or what I didn't see)

When you are short it's really hard to see what tall people can see. I came out last night to watch the Parade of Lights. The highway was closed, jeepneys could not go further. They stopped somewhere far from where the parade will be held. I had to walked until I could reach the place, because I really wanted to watch the Parade of Lights. It's going to be my first time to see something like that. When I was near, I realized how crowded the roads were side by side. Gosh! I couldn't even see the middle of the highway where the parade must go through. Even though it hadn't started yet, people were already everywhere that time.

Since I failed to be in the front row where I'm able to see the show, I went inside the McDonald's and ate dinnee. I had burger and fries. After that, I went outside, and I heard that the parade had started. My plan was to take photos of everything, but I couldn't. It was even difficult to move around. After a while of staying disappointed, I decided to just go home instead of standing there like a loser. Then I walked back where the jeepneys were. It took me a long time to get in, all jeepneys were occupied already. I had to wait for like half an hour, until I found one with less passengers.

My cousin's school report

My cousin also goes to school, just like me. She thinks I am the smarter one of us, even though I don't feel that is true. Still she asked for my help about their report about prostitution. This is a difficult subject, and I guess everybody has a different opinion on that. Here is what I told to my cousin:

Women who choose to work as a prostitute or in a eros club often have the feeling that they have no choice. They are coming from a poor family, often from chaotic situations, and they are unable to study or to find any other job, because their parents don't have enough money to send them to school. Often, they have not even finished high school. To work as a prostitute is the easiest way for them to make money. Jobs are rare for the uneducated, and salaries are low in the regular jobs, if they can get one at all. Some women also work as a prostitute because they have kids and need to earn the money to send them to school. They sacrify themselves so that their kids will have a better life. Some also do this work hoping to find someone who would help them to build a new life. I don't judge anyone that has that kind of job. They only do it to provide for their family. And it is a hard life!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Congratulations tou our Asia's Next Top Model

Congratulations, Maureen! You deserve it! You joined the show with the least experience. You've proven yourself that you are not just a pretty face but that you can rock any kind of photoshoot. You are the candidate who has won the most best photo (3 times). You are a product of Asia's Next Top Model because they trained you so hard and you have shown enormous growth week by week in just a short amount of time.

I am pretty sure that the runner ups, Shikin and Tu, will also have a good career because they both have modelling experience and are great models.

Congratulations to Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5 Winner, Maureen Wroblewitz from the Philippines! The judges made their decision. Let us all be happy!

We must be nice even if others are not.

Learn to help without expecting anything in return! A good heart is outstanding, even if others cannot see it from outside. Keep your good heart for yourself! Don't let everyone know you're a kindhearted person by showing how you help a person! God knows how good you are. Whatever you do good, others won't matter. You don't need to prove them that you are a good person.

As long as you are true to yourself, and you don't pretend to be someone else, you are an amazing person. I think being who we are is way better than trying to be someone we are not. Wherever we go, we should always show the real us. It's really is hard to pretend to be someone else. At first it's cool, but when you get to hangout with the same people very often, they will find out anyway whether you are real or fake. If you are fake, they will stay away from you, and that's sad for you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Amusement park rides

It took me a while to find the courage to try a few rides tonight. My friends did their best to convince me to join them. I realized that I don't want to be left behind while they are enjoying the rest of the night trying different rides. So I came with them and we tried 3 rides. I forgot the name of the first ride. It was a 3D ride, but not as good as the 3D I've watched back when I visited Universal Studios in Singapore. It didn't scare me even one bit, but others keeped shouting. I was the only one who stayed calm in the show. This ride did cost 50 pesos.

The next one we tried was the Dragon Coaster, which is a a big rollercoaster, It was more for kids than adults, but there were plenty of adults taking the ride. It was more fun than the first one. I got a bit nervous because of the sudden turns when it was running so fast, but after 3 turns the ride was already over. It costs me 70 pesos. The last ride we had was the Octopus Coaster. This was less fun, because I was feeling dizzy during its run, and when I got out, I wasn't feeling so well. So I decided we should go home. Whatever my experiences was tonight, I admit I had fun. I think I'm ready to try new rides in the future, just not those rides that might make me feel dizzy.

Unexpected fun during Fiesta

I thought I won't be going back to the City until tomorrow, but here I am finally! It was my friend who called me this afternoon. She needed my help! She asked me if she can stay at my place until she is able to find a new boarding house. She said it won't be long until she can find one. I don't have a problem with that, because she is my good friend. She knew where I live, in fact we often do our group projects together at my place.

We agreed to meet in Tacloban, that's why I am back here. Tonight, we went to RTR which is a huge amusement place during Fiesta for everyone who likes to drink and try different rides. There were also shows and live bands. Once you're with friends, you'll never feel like you're out of place. Last Fiesta, I didn't pay much attention what you can do in Tacloban during Fiesta. But tonight I experienced the fun with my friends. Thanks to my friends who brought me to this place.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Monday it is today,  but no school, because today is holiday. I am still in Samar and have free days until tomorrow. I'm not sure whether we will have classes on Wednesday, since the Fiesta in Tacloban will be on Thursday. To find out is to go to school. But I wish I can know today so that I don't need to come back to Tacloban tomorrow. I am unsure about Wednesday, but our instructor haven't told us not to come. Too bad I don't have her phone number, otherwise I could have just texted her to be sure.

I really don't feel like going back to the city yet. I'm loving the fresh food that I am able to eat while I'm still home. Whenever I'm at the city I always end up losing weight. I don't have much appetite to eat the food from fast food restaurants, even though I have money to buy food. I rather eat the food here in the province that my auntie prepares for us. But it looks like I have no choice but to go back tomorrow. I can't miss my school. My subject for Wednesday is my major subject, hence I can't be absent. No backing out, I need to go back.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


It is Sunday evening, and as usual, Sunday was a free day for everyone. So, since we had nothing to do, I urged my cousins to go with me to Canhugas. Yesterday was the first time for me to see the place again since quite a while. It was quite different than it was last March, there were a few stores build up at the top Canhugas, and a few cottages were also finished, but I heard those were private property and not for rent.

A few things have improved in Canhugas. At the lower part of the beach, there were at least 3 unfinished cottages made by cement. It needs a few more month until everything is finished. By next year, the place will be as nice as ever. Glad that the mayor supported the Canhugas project. There are also other sponsors, otherwise they wouldn't have made it so far. I'm looking forward to see more improvements during my next visit. It will take me a while before I come to the place again. I am not as eager to see the place as I was before. Once in a while visit is good enough for me. I lost a bit of interest with Canhugas. But I'm not saying I won't visit Canhugas ever again.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Today I was very busy! I had so much work to do in Hernani. I helped my cousin and auntie to do our one week laundry. We started to wash all our dirty clothes this afternoon. I hope tomorrow when the sun rises we can hang it all outside for drying. I have the feeling tomorrow is going to be a good day. Sunday is church day actually. It's been 3 weeks since the last time I went to church, and tomorrow is Sunday, I doubt I can wake up early so that I can attend the early mass. I'm having hard time sleeping early in the evening, and waking up early in the morning these days. Mostly when I am back in my hometown. I think I can adjust when the school is back to normal. Wait until the Fiesta is over.

What if?

What if one day we are given a chance to travel the world without Visa/Passport and money is the only problem that hinder us to leave? Would we all work harder to earn money so that we can go and travel the world? Because I would be willing to work a lot harder! It doesn't matter which job I am having, as long as I can make money from it. Right now I only have a side job to support my studies, but when I will have a full job in the future, and I am still alive by then, I will probably just save up, rather than spending money to unnecessary things.

Many countries require Visa from Filipino travellers, and a Visa is hard to get. If that hurdle would not exist, everybody would be a lot happier, and the average people would be more ambitious and eager to support their travel. Right now this Visa hurdle is just so high that average people don't even dare to consider travelling. For those who make more money than most people, for them it was always super easy to visit their dream countries, because they are well provided with money. Therefore, when I get a job, I will try to save all my money for travel. There are still some countries that are Visa-free for Filipinos that I have not yet visited. I wish one day more countries are less restrictive against Filipinos with respect to Visa requirements. Then I can visit my dream countries in the future.

Congratulations to our TV stars

Age isn't something that really matters when it comes to love. It's again proven by one of the most popular celebrity doctors here in the Philippines. I'm sure everyone knows about Doctora Vicki Belo, 61 years old. She is known as one of the most popular television personality here in the Philippines as part of Belo Medical Group. Her partner Hayden Kho is of the same profession as her, he is 37 years old. Their age gap is 24 years. See what love can do?

These two had been together for almost 12 years already. And they even had a daughter named Scarlet Snow Belo Kho which is now of age 2. Scarlet Snow was conceived through a costly procedure called in vitro fertilization (IVF). Just so you know, "in vitro" literally means "in glass". That's not surprising as the pair has tons of money for that procedure. And guess what? They just tie the knot. Congratulations to the newlyweds couple may your love for each other won't change forever.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Changes are necessary

Philippines may be known for having beautiful nature, islands, and beaches. But when it comes to job offers, many citizen leave for work oversea instead of working in their own country. I think the reason is the little salary that is offered inside the Philippines. You can earn much more abroad for the same job. I'm from Philippines and I know finding a job with better salary inside the Philippines isn't easy.

This must change! I hope Duterte's administration sees it the same way, and will set the rules that creates more job offers for Filipino people with higher salary, so that we don't need to look for another job abroad. So many OFW working abroad, and we all know at least a number of OFW that got treated badly in foreign countries, and some even didn't make it back to their home country alive. This is sad. But many try their luck abroad despite of this risk because the Filipino job market simply gives them no perspective.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

School Schedule

With just two days of school every week, I think I'm going to like this semester more than the previous semester. Monday and Wednesday are the only days I need to come to school. I have five days of free time in a week. I should be happy for that, but I am still worried that the subjects will be difficult. I have accounting and management subjects, and that does not look easy. I hope my small brain can keep up with those topics.

We were supposed to have classes on Saturday also, but our instructor was so nice to move it to Monday. So, Mondays will be long days in school. But I have no complaints, in fact it's a huge favor for us. We can come home to our place for straight four days. Next semester will already be our OJT (on the job training). Hence this semester is the last chance to get prepared for that. I'm excited to finish my course!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Asia's Next Top Model

Know who you bully! The German/Filipina who competed in the Asia's Next Top Model is now at the top three. She was bullied by her competitors for being just a pretty face without skills. The model who said it to her was already eliminated last week, and so are the others. Maureen was as even bullied by two models from the Philippines. Look what happened: they were eliminated early in the competition.

I can only judge Maureen in the TV, as I don't know her in real life. But what I've seen, from the first episode until now, I can tell she's a nice person. She is very pretty and she has hidden skills which shocked not just other competitors in Asia's Next Top Model, but also the world with her talent. The Philippines is proud of her for making it this far in the competition. We're hoping for her victory! Go Maureen, you can do it! Take the price, and be the first to bring the tittle from this competition to the Philippines and to Germany (which is not even an Asian country).

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Mummy

As I've said before, I was never a fan of Tom Cruise. I know he makes great movies, but when I go to the movie theater, I select movies where I like the main characters before I watch it. For his age, Tom Cruise is still a good looking Hollywood actor, but I think I like taller guys in the movies such as Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt. They are also a different generation of actors than Tom Cruise.

So yesterday afternoon I got out from school, then I directly went to Robinson mall. I had nothing to do and I was kind of bored, therefore I decided to watch a movie. There were not so many new movies on selection, as I have watched many already, so I ended up watching the movie The Mummy. Tom Cruise is one of the main characters, and I had a mixed feeling whether I would like that movie.

But I was wrong. Right from the beginning, I was captivated by the movie. It was a good movie and I liked the mummy Princess Ahmanet, the antagonist of the movie. At least I didn't feel like I wasted my money with the movie.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Big fish for lunch

My brother just got home from fishing this morning. Luckily he caught a huge fish which will be our lunch. Actually, he caught 2 big fishes, but you can see in the picture only the larger one. My father cleaned and sliced the fish and I was watching him while doing that. I will help with the cooking.

I'm glad that we don't need to spend money for meat. I'm always proud of my brother, he is a good fisherman. He learned that job from early on since he was 15 years old. He is now 22 years old, that is 7 years fisherman already. Fish is our daily food, there are rarely days without seafood. My dad knows how to catch fishes as well, but he doesn't catch big fishes like my brother does. The fisherman job in the Philippines is different than in the USA or Europe, as we are not using big nets on big boats. Instead, people dive into the sea to catch fishes. My brother and my father go to different areas in the ocean. My brother always dives in deep water, but my dad can't dive anymore as deep as my brother. But that difference does not really matter as long as both get home safely and we always have some seafood to eat on the table.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy father's day

Happy father's day to all the fathers all over the world! Especially to my dad who never leaves us even on the toughest day. My dad is not a person who shows or expresses his emotions, but as his childrens we can feel his love for us. We knew it ever since we were born. My dad may have a bad temper, he gets angry quickly, but only when he dislikes what we do that he knew is not good for us.

Love your parents unconditionally, and never disappoint them! My dad is someone we dearly love. We may all not get along with each other sometimes, but our love for him will never fade. He is everything to us. We also love our mom, but she's far far away, while dad is with us, and he takes care of us even though we are already grown-up. We will never trade him for anything.

Happy father's day, tatay (it means dad). Always know that we are here for you no matter what happens. We love you as much as we love nanay.

Sunday before school

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow, on Monday, I need to go back to the city for school. I don't feel the excitement for going back to school. I don't know why. At the beginning of this vacation, my mind was always thinking about school, now what's all in my mind is the opposite.

I think it's because I'm worried  about what I would say in front of everyone inside the classroom in the first day of school. LOL. It's so simple though, my teacher will definitely ask me few questions that I need to answer, then it's over. It's just me who is still not used to presenting in front of the crowd. I believe, I need to change this behavior as I cannot stay shy in front of people forever. Being so shy is not good! I am always worried that I don't meet other people's expectations. It's always me who has a problem with everything. I wish I could change!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

In Samar

I am back in Samar with my family. I had to come home one more time before I go back to school. Classes in my school had started last Tuesday, and I've missed 2 days of classes already. Anyway, 2 absences wont affect my school attendance, because this whole week is all about introducing ourself to the instructors. Why I am so sure of this? Because my other classmates informed me about what they did during class hours.

Other reasons why classes of some schools in Tacloban haven't properly started is because of the upcoming Fiesta which is on 29th of June. That is 12 days from now. Once the Fiesta is over, it's going to be a hectic and stressful semester for everyone. Stressful mostly for those who need to be in school for 5 days per week. My subject isn't the easiest subject, but I am a little bit relieve knowing I don't need to be in school each day. I will have some free days. I'm ready for school this coming Monday. I heard our teaching in management is nice. I will see on Monday whether it's true.

Feel Fatigue

Is it normal to feel fatigue so often? I really don't know the answer. I've been asking myself many times about why I often get tired? There are so many things in my head that bother me, but I can't let it out, and maybe too many thoughts make me always tired.

Does anyone here have and idea why we feel this? I'm curious, that's all. Know why? Because I get so tired very often, especially when I walk around all the time in one day. And also, even when I'm just at home without doing anything, my body still feels the same thing. Few years ago, I was more energetic and stronger, and most of all not as skinny as I am now.  I am very different than I was years ago.

I hate this change of my body. How I wish I could turn back times. I just want to go back to the healthy old me, exercise more and living a more healthy lifestyle. But no matter what I do to change, I still end up disappointing myself, as nothing happens.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Out with friends

Hello there! I just got back from exploring the city, I'm thanking my new found friends for taking me with them today. These ladies work as lady guards here at Robinsons mall for quite a while now. They are renting a room the same place as mine. It's their day off today, that's why they went out. I was with them the whole time. We went to the mall. And we got to visit some local shopping centers as well here in Tacloban.

578 is a shopping center where you can buy stuff in affordable price. Well, some of the stuff there is also expensive, but not any signatures one. You should always compare the prices with the Robinson mall. Brand clothes should better be bought in the Robinson mall, because expensive brand clothes last longer than the copy clothes in the local shopping mall. Yeah, that's what I know. But, it is really fun to look around through all the cheap stuff from the local shopping center.

Happy day

Good morning to all! Here I am outside my place enjoying the sun. I bet there is no rain coming up today. I hope this beautiful weather stays like this for the rest of the day. Everybody will be happy for this weather change, and so am I.

I am not going to spoil the day. Soon I will get ready, then go out look for food. In two hours the mall will be open. I am not that broke this time. I think I will watch a movie. I just got my salary. It makes me happy somehow when I don't feel so poor, it's good I have some penny with me, and I can enjoy myself, treat myself to some thing that my money can afford to pay.

I am not someone who's good at keeping money for a very long time. I tried to save money, but I got disappointed, because it's never going to work with me. My tactics doesn't work the way I wanted it to.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

What I did Today

Today was my first day of classes, and I missed it already. Too bad! I wasn't in the mood to go to school earlier, so I didn't really bother to even get up from my bed. I stayed in bed until noon, that's when I decided to cook something for lunch.

Then after I had my lunch, I noticed  that I haven't done my laundry yet. My basket was full of dirty clothes. So I ended up washing them. I had so much energy this afternoon, glad I was able to sleep more than 8 hours. It was already 4pm when I finished my laundry. After I hang all my clothes, I sat on a chair for a little while, then I got hungry again. It was perfect timing, because I had spam which I had kept for days. I cooked rice first, then I took the spam out of the can, sliced it, and them I put it on the hot cooking oil. Simple as that, then I had a nice dinner. Spam is my favorite food. That was just great.

Scary world

In this world full of bad people, you need to be very careful of choosing who to trust. Not everyone that treats you nice has good intention. At first, they act as if their intention is good, but once you've given your trust to them, that's when they start to wreck you. Never give access to anyone about you, and never open up your personal life to anybody you just met, because it is not a proper way for a person to tell her/his story to certain people in that way.

The world is becoming scarier. There are so many things we must be aware of these days. People gone crazy, killings are everywhere, bad and good people are mixed up. It's hard to tell what is good or bad. But we have senses, if we use it right, then at least we can help ourselves pick the right choice. We are all humans, and most of all we shouldn't be fighting each other to death. I hope that one day this becomes a better world.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What I want to see in the world, part 3: Paris, France

I started writing a series about the many places that I want to visit one day. So, here are my thoughts about Paris, France:

France is near to Germany, and its capital Paris is one of the most visited cities in the whole world. It is called the city of love, and there are many old romantic movies with love stories that take Paris as scenery. Anyone remembers the movie Moulin Rouge? That's Paris!

I am eager to see the beauty of the city one day. The most famous is probably its gigantic Eiffel tower that everyone dreams to see. Champ de Mars is a large garden close to the Eiffel Tower. Sacre-Coeur on Montmarte is a Roman Catholic Church on a hill. Nearby is the Place de Tertre where you can see lots of street painters showing their fantastic art. I love to watch art.

Paris has surprisingly many parks, the largest being the Bois du Boulogne. However the Parc des Buttes Chaumont got my attention as it looks so nice on pictures, a beautiful green place with a bridge and many trees. I would love to take photos in it. There are many more places that I'd love to visit if I ever come to Paris, but I am not writing them all here.

What I want to see in the world, part 2: Thailand

There are many places in the world that I want to visit one day. Today I write about Thailand.

I know that Thailand is a little bit like the Philippines, except for the religion. Compared to Europe or USA that are very far away, Thailand is within reach for me once I save enough money. Thailand has so many interesting sights from the amazing Bhuddist temples, beautiful islands and beaches. Pattaya is one of the most visited beaches, and nearby is a Botanical Garden called Nong Nooch Tropical. This one is different than the botanical garden I’ve seen in Singapore. One day I’d love to visit the place, and see which botanical garden is better. Not so far is also the Sriracha Tiger Zoo. I’d love to take pictures besides a tiger one day. I hope the tiger will be nice to me and not eat me.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and it has a Safari World, which is a zoo and entertainment park with excotic animals. In Indonesia, I did ride an elephant, and I love to watch and interact with animals. In Bangkok is also the Vimanmek Mansion which is the Thai National Heritage Museum, another must see on my list.

In the northern part of the country is the Doi Inthanon National park which looks amazing. Here you can see secluded temples in a landscape of water falls, park, forests, and mountains. There are so many historical parks as well. One day I will visit them all. I am not interested to any night life, once I am in Thailand it would be just to visit places, look at the animals, talk to the people, and see the beaches.

What I want to see in the world, part 1: Germany

Besides my home country, I have only visited two countries: Singapore and Indonesia. There are so many other places I want to see one day. Today I write about Germany.

What I know about Germany is that it is cooler than the Philippines, and it is very safe there as there are no typhoons or earthquakes. It also has a long and rich history, and is known for having hundreds of old castles and palaces. Probably the most famous is the Neuschwanstein Castle, which is very beautiful. It is said that this castle was the inspiration for Cinderella's Castle in Disneyland. It would be cool if I can see that one day.

Speaking about Disneyland, there is Europe Park in Germany, which is an amusement park with rides and entertainment. It is the largest one in Germany, and the second most popular theme park in Europe, right after Paris' Disneyland. I am not into rides, but I'd be willing to take a look at the place if I am in Germany.

Berlin is certainly worth a visit. This is the capital of Germany with the famous Brandenburg Gate. The Berlin Zoological Garden looks also nice on pictures and should be part of every Berlin trip.

Berlin is in the eastern, flatter part of Germany, but Germany has also nice mountains with lots of snow. One historical place in the mountains is the Kehlsteinhaus, also known as Eagle's Nest, on an idyllic hiking route. This house was used by the NS regime that started World War 2 in Europe, so it has some historical burden, but nowadays it is a nice hiking excoursion into the nature and mountains of Germany. It looks a bit similar to Sambawan Island here in the Philippines.

All of this is just in my dreams, but who knows, one day it might happen that I go there. So many things to see, and so many countries to visit, it is just money, time, and courage is what we needed.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Wonder Woman

Just when I arrived in Tacloban, I decided to watch “Wonder Woman” yesterday. I’ve been waiting for the movie since the trailer was released. Glad I finally got to see it. Gal Gadot is so perfect for the role. She’s stunningly gorgeous. I have a crush on her as my most favorite Wonder Woman.

About the movie, it is yet another spectacular superhero action movie with lots of special effects. I like this kind of movies and I never get bored to watch them. Diana, the Wonder Woman, is an amazon from the island Themiscira, but she left her island and lives as normal person in Paris, France. She remembers the World War 1 when she was in London and involved in some spy drama. This drama is then the main part of the movie.

It was so entertaining that I didn't even want to leave the movie theater afterwards. I could have watched it just once again. But I did leave the cinema, because I had to go to the restroom, and there were no restroom inside the cinema.

Go and watch the movie! I hope you will feel like me, and you get dragged into the movie that you don't want to leave the cinema again. It is a nice movie. All thumbs up!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Happy Independence Day

Today is the 119th Independence Day in the Philippines, my beloved country. I'm sending all my greetings to all Pilipino around the world. I know most of us are celebrating this holiday wholeheartedly as we should be. So many brave heroes died fighting for our freedom, and now is the time to praise them all for what they did for our country. Without them, our country would not be as good as it is now. Although the fighting is unstoppable in some places of the Philippines,

I believe that this country is a lot more better than the old Philippines that was colonized by Spaniards and American people back in the days. I really do like how the Philippines is at now. But it would be even better if these killings will stop, for everyone's sake, and for the country as well.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Love Mistakes

I'm not a person who keeps old memories from my ex boyfriend. When I and my first boyfriend broke up, of course I was do devastated, mad, heart broken. I was so much in pain that I even thought of killing myself. I was so pathetic. Nowadays, I think that he didn't deserve my love in the first place. Days and months passed by since we broke up, and I realized that he is not worth a single drop of my tears. So, that was the last time I cried because of heartbreaks.

The next thing I did was wipe out all the things that would reminded me of him. I remember throwing all the stuff away that he had given to me when we were together. That's my way of moing on. It took me 3 months to get there. Maybe it was such a drama just because he was my first love, my first boyfriend ever. I never had a bf before I meet him. Nowadays, there are still days when I think of the memories we had together, but the feeling is gone. I believe I have really moved on. All this was 5 years ago.

The older we get, the more we managed to handle the hard trials that come our way. We are bound to love, and that's a reality we can never avoid.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bangs or no bangs

Since I had bangs, my forehead got pimples all the time. Just when some pimples are gone, the next day new pimples will come. This is annoying! This new haircut is a disappointment to me. When I had no bangs, I barely had pimples, but now it is different, pimples are all over my forehead, and this doesn't makes me happy, aside of feeling the pain when I accidentally hit my forehead with my hand. It is just irritating to me.

I can't wait for my hair to grow. I hope that the pimples will then go away for good. For now, I need to bare with this, but once my bangs are longer, I can easily put a hair clip to keep the hair off my forehead. Lesson learned! Next time I am not getting the same haircut I have now.

Why are pimples a big deal to me? Well, girls want to be pretty. And I have so many scars on my face already, and I don't need more of it. And I don't think people with so many pimples on their face are attractive.

At the mall

I am here at the mall now, sitting on this huge rock, watching all these people walk by. Some are with their friends, some groups are with school uniforms; maybe they just got out from school. I am actually the only one sitting here without someone with me. I feel kind of lonely. How I wish I was with my friends or family at this time!

Oh, well, soon I will get up, and try to get some food. That's why I am in the mall. I kind of want chicken for my dinner. Since it is still early to eat dinner, I am just going to take out my food, then eat it at my place. I am not thinking of shop anything else today in the mall. It's not what I planned, and besides I would only be sad if I see something I like in a store, and not getting it. When I have money, I sometimes shop for clothes, but I barely do it. I have enough jeans that could last for a long time. Now it is time to go for dinner. Have a great day to all of you!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Having Hard Time To Sleep

It's already 11pm, but I am not worried about sleeping late tonight. I don't have school or any matters to do tomorrow, so I'm just going to stay up until late, and watch videos on YouTube. I don't feel sleepy yet. In Samar, I usually sleep around 8pm, soon after the sunset, but now that I moved back here to the city, I go to sleep later, at 9pm to 10pm. The other night, I got a migraine attack, and my head was hurting so bad, so I couldn't sleep no matter how I tried. It was already 4am when I finally fell asleep. So, I am out my sleeping rhythm, and it is going to be awhile before my usual time to sleep goes back.

Right now I really don't think I could sleep soon. I know my body well. Even if I push myself to sleep now, it is not going to work. This is no big deal to me for now, but I hope everything goes back to normal when my school starts. And that is soon.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales, is the fifth movie of the Jack Sparrow series. What can I say? I decided to watch it when my emotions were twisted, and at the end, this movie made me laugh and cheered my day. That's just great.

Movie critics might be negative about the movie repeating the same kind of story all over again (a young hero, a confident and combatant woman, and a caricature of a pirate fighting against several villains unfolding some magic in the sea), I will never get tired watching captain Jack Sparrow, indeed one of the best characters Disney has brought to life. Credit goes to the great actor and my idol Johnny Depp, who gives the character Jack Sparrow the funny magic that makes those movies so special. I watched most of his movie, kind of late, because so many of his movies have been out a long time ago, but still I get to watch them on DVD. He is a guy with a sense of humor, I love him for being a comedian on some of his movies. But, what I like amongst all his movies are the Pirates of the Caribbean series. I saw them all.

Now about the 5th pirates movie: the story connects to the first 3 movies, as the new young hero is Henry Turner, the son of Will Turner who was the lead in installement 1-3. His love interest is Carina, who is always accused to be a witch because she is smart and educated, and at the end it turns out she is the daughter of ... ok, I don't want to spoil you, let's just say, of some other old character of the series. We will get to see Orlando Bloom as Will Turner at the beginning and the end of the movie, and even Keira Kneightly playing his love intestest and now wife from round 1-3 is in a scene. Javier Bardem as villian is great, and the special effects that make his crew of dead people come alive is astonishing. It is a fun movie for a nice afternoon. Don't expect any depth or philosophical enlightening, but if you need some good entertainment, go and see the movie.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Asia's Next Top Model

Good morning! What are your plans for today? Here I am watching Asia's Next Top Model in YouTube. I'm just relaxing for now, while thinking of something to do for later that would not bore me.

I'm sure everybody knows, or has already heard about the show. Well, it is well known here in Asia. That's how some models are discovered. I have a favorite contestant which is Maureen Wroblewitz. As you can see in her last name, she is half German. Her mom is Filipina and her father is German. As of now she is at top five. I am so proud of her for making it that far. But it would be so much better if she did win. We will see what happens.

What to do on a rainy day

Today is not a good day to roam around the city. It’s been raining ever since I got here; 3 days in a row now. It's hard to find something to do when you cannot go outside without getting wet.

Anyway, my suggestion is this: instead of being stuck in the house, I think the better place to visit is the mall. If you are living in the city, I am sure malls do exist there. Even without money, a mall is always fun to go to, since there is so much to see. It is better than to bore yourself at home. So, that’s what I want to do today, I have laundry to take care of but, I can’t just wash my clothes now with all this raining, since I don’t have a dryer, and I cannot hang the clothes in the rain to get dry. I will just wait for a nice day for that. Instead, I go to the mall and do some window shopping (that is, not buying anything). Now I will get ready, and go out.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Staying Home

For today's lunch, I am cooking Pork Nilaga for myself. I woke up early this morning, and it was raining. I waited a bit until the rain was gone, then I went out to buy meat at the market nearby my place. I didn't buy much meat, because I have no one to share it with. I am alone here, my friends are out of town. Last night they left for Bicol for 3 days.

This place where I renting my room freaks me out sometimes, especially when I am alone in the entire house. This happens seldom since there are many rooms rented out, but today is such a day since everyone is gone somewhere. So now I got all I need for the rest of the day. I will finish cooking my food, then eat, shower, and then lock up myself inside my room. I will be using Facebook alot today, and maybe watch an anime series in YouTube once I have a better internet connection. That's my plan for the whole day. I wish everyone a good day!

Province School Has Started

Yesterday, the classes have started at my hometown. Everyone got so busy preparing for school. One of those students who are really excited to go back to school is my cousin. Next year she’ll be graduating from high school. Actually, we will both finishing school next year, hopefully: I will graduate in college (if I pass, hopefully) and she will finish high school. She is smart and I know she can keep up with her studies until she finishes. I never doubt her to make it. It’s just me who doesn't believe in myself sometimes.

Anyway, since school has started, I went back to Tacloban even though my classes won't be starting until next week. I chose to leave the province, because I had no one to hang around in the house anymore. My cousin and all my friends are in school all day for five days in a week. I am very close to my cousin, we are like sisters, and we are always together. We always help each other do all the households. But everything has its ending, school days are back! We wont be able to do things in the house anymore, I feel sorry for my auntie for that, I know how tiring her work is, and now that vacation is over, after coming home from work she’ll definitely do the chores that I and my cousin did in the house during vacation.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Worryless life

College life is where you don't have to worry about anything, from notebooks, to paper, school bag, pencil, and other stuffs for school. Unlike elementary and high school, things must be prepared on the very first day of school. That's what the parents do for their kids who are to study. Why I know about this, it's because I been through all that back in the days.

Now that I am in college, studying alone, I don't seems to worry about things. In 1 week, school will start, and I haven't even bought any stuffs for school. Not that I don't have money to buy those, it is just that I don't really feel like I am in need of getting those right away. It's funny sometimes, other college students go to school without bringing any paper with them or even notebooks. I myself make always sure I bring eveything I might needed in school. The reason why I haven't gotten anything yet is because, school may be starting already, but in the first week, not much is going on. It's going to be a week more or so, before the classes will be properly arranged.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Last day of Fiesta

Yesterday was a blast! We celebrated the last day of Fiesta with my cousins. We has lots of food and drinks. I bought four cases of Red Horse Beer for us. When drunk, I came up with the crazy idea to hide our alcohol behind the dried banana leaves, so that nobody would know we were drunk and nobody would ask us for more beer. It was only a joke though. People in the province seldomly drink Red Horse, because it is kind of expensive. Most people here go for the cheaper alcohol.

But I wasn't the only one who spent money for alcohol yesterday. Everybody did. We were only five people and we were really drunken at the end, so, for the last case that we had, we decided to give some to the other people who walked by us. The Fiesta this June was definitely fun. Though most got drunk, it was all good because nobody started to fight. People yesterday were all enjoying the Fiesta.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Travelling makes you smart

Travelling gives you lots of experiences and changes your viewpoint. It makes you smart and mature, because you can see beyond the scope of your little province life. I had been to two counties already, but that doesn't mean I'd stop travelling whenever I can. If there's another opportunity for me to travel, I'd surely grab it. Traveling is expensive, but it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn the world. Grab every opportunity, never let go of it, or you will later regret it.

There is the time of travelling and the time after travelling. Only after the travel, you learn how rich you are now with the new experiences. When I was still on the trip, I never appreciated how amazing it is being in a country. The first time I traveled, I was very tense and confused with so many strange impressions. I felt like in a movie, not in the real world, and I was not as relaxed as I should have been. Now, since the day I arrived back in the Philippines, my experiences during my travel are always in my mind. There is no day without thinking I had already been in other countries. Isn't that amazing? I am grateful for getting invited to the two trips. It will always stay in my memories.