Wednesday, March 1, 2017


When typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda hit Samar, I was here in the province, and I've witnessed all the damage from the very strong winds that ruined everything. I've seen the waves coming from the ocean that took the lives of people in our barangay. I haven't watch them being drawn-out into the sea, because of course I was busy protecting myself. I only knew what have killed them. I have lots of fearsome memories during that time.

I was in the evacuation center near the coast, but this was not safe from the terror that was coming. When I saw the huge wave, I ran off from the evacuation center with my cousin and my brother. We run to the field to reach the mountain knowing the waves are chasing us. While running, trees and coconuts were cutting off, and they nearly hit us, but we managed to escape, and we survived.

It's been four years now since the disaster happened, but I think my phobia is still inside me. Sometimes, when I fall asleep while the TV is on, or while listening to loud music, I wake up shaking, and I realize that I am already crying. So, to avoid this from happening I make sure everything loud is off before going to sleep.

I remember one time I was in Manila, and I took a non-air-conditioned bus to travel back to my place. It started to rain and it became windy. The wind and the rain was mixed-up, and I was sitting at an open window in the bus. I could hear the wind sounded the same as Typhoon Yolanda. That's when I found out I had phobia. I think I'm not the only thyphoon survivor who has the same problem.

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