Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Time flies

One year has passed by since I left the city where I used to live for years. I left in order to study. Time flies too fast! When I was in the beginning, I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up with my studies, but here I am half way to getting my goals.

It took me three attempts to go to college, and I failed two times. This is the very last attempt and I must finish. My relatives always remind me not to give up my studies no matter what. I cannot disappoint them, specially my cousin who believes in me. She told me being able to finish college is an honor that you can proudly tell to our family, or to anyone that had let you down.

She didn't have the chance to go to college due to lack of money, so she applied for a job in the mall. And now she's doing great with her job, and she's loving it. Aside my family, she motivates me most to graduate.

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