Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Free college

For students, Rodrigo Duterte's administration is the best amongst all the president I knew. He implemented a "no payment tuition fee" for all public universities and colleges. The costs are covered by an increase of the state budget for education. This means the Philippines government pays those schools. It's a relief for all parents who cannot afford expensive schools. They are no longer obligated to pay anything in school, except for pocket money. We must be thankful that this happens.

To all young people who eagerly want to study: Well, this year is your chance to enroll for free. This opportunity cannot be ignored. Study while there is a chance for you to study. Unfortunately, it does not hold for private schools. I am enrolled in ACLC, which is a private school where I have to pay each semester. Anyway, those who really want to go to college, this coming enrollment is your chance,  enroll, and study!

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