Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday Chores

I went to church earlier with my cousin. We woke up before sunrise, and by 6am we arrived at the church, just to figure out that we were 1h too early. So we waited for the mass to start, but there were chairs so the wait wasn't tiring. The mass started around 7am and finished at 9am. Then we headed home, to do the house chores. I cleaned the dishes as well as the floor, while my cousin gathered all our dirty clothes. After that, we took our breakfast, which made the plates dirty again that I just cleaned. Ok, I washed the plates again. Then we rested a bit to digest the food we ate.

When everything seemed right, we walked directly to the river, so that we can start washing our clothes. It didn't take long for us to finish, as we didn't have to fetch water. Once we were done, we went home to hang the clothes for drying. The weather is good, so I think it will all get dry quickly. within this whole day. After that I started to write this blog. It's too hot right now, and I'm tired.

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