Monday, March 13, 2017

Love or crush

Crush and love are two different things. Crush is when a person bumps into someone who is attractive. To have a crush is not bad! It happens to all human beings and is often the start of a deeper relationship with somebody. On the other hand, getting crushes is also one of the reasons why some single people live and remain happy. They are contented watching their crushes from afar, even if it is no deeper relationship. LOL. By the end, a crush is just a crush, nothing serious, and you'll not get hurt if you see the target of your affection with someone else. Ok, you'll perhaps feel disappointed, but you can move on from it, and try to wait for another crush to come.

Love is deeper. When we choose to love, there are possibilities of us to get heartbroken in the end. Relationship nowadays don't really last life-long anymore for many people. And a separation or divorce can hurt the lovers, and it's hard to move on when it gets to that point. Why I know? Because I've been there, have done that, either way: love and crush. Now I'd rather wait for someone serious to come and accept me for who I am. So, right now I say no to love, but I have a few crushes. The problem is that they are Hollywood actors. LOL. I've got no chance with them!

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