Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Don't make things too hard for you

March 28 to 31 is the finals examination schedule. That means last week of March will be busy, but I bet all the ACLC Students will skip school after that and will start their vacation.

Some ACLC students are lazy. They only come to school when there are important activities, or when it is examination day. They don't pay much attention in school, and they don't care about the money that their parents are wasting on them. Spoiled kids that do not understand the power of education! Well, not all are like that!

It would be fine skipping classes if you're smart enough to handle the learning material, for instance if you can learn entirely from books. But if you're born brainless, then you're only making your life more complicated. It is better to listen to an instructor who is able to help understanding the material. Then you can pass the exam. You'll not learn anything if you keep on doing unworthy things. Think of your parents, or whoever is supporting you for school, they are working hard just to help you to get a good education. Just saying!

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