Monday, March 6, 2017

Q&A on Monday evening

Good evening! I just got back from school. Geez! I had a very intense evening while answering the Q&A test to my teacher. I think I did not talk enough, I was kind of blocked with thinking what to say for nearly two minutes. Glad my teacher happened to be nice and understandable. She explains the question to me in a way so that I could understand and could answer the question.

One thing is good about private schools: most teachers are nice, unlike in public school. When it comes to teaching, I cannot claim that all teacher in private school are better in their teaching subject, what I'm stating is that they take more time to explain and help you to find the right answer, and they will still stay polite even if you failed to answer. My speech communication teacher is awesome! She is very nice, and she is not into give bad grades to students.

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