Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tree planding on Sunday

Sunday has always been a free day for us. But this time is different: we have a school activity tomorrow. I need to wake up early because at 5 am, we need to be in school so that we can catch up the free ride to the planting place. I'm not sure how many service cars we will be using though, but since it is the army's service car, I assumes it's enough for all the students to have a ride for free.

NSTP is only one year, so this will be the last tree planting for me. The previous occasion were all at the same place. Now, they've decided to change the planting place. I heard this time, we go to Palo, Leyte. I don't know whether this will be a mountain again, or a valley. Climbing mountains for tree planting is strenuous. Nobody told me about it.

After disappointing grades in math and maybe in P.E., I hope I get a higher grade in NSTP,  I'll go, even I've already found out that some of my other classmates are not going. If they fail, then that's their problem.

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