Monday, March 27, 2017

Speech Communication Exam

This week will be stressful for me! The Speech Communication examination is coming. It will be different than the previous exams. It is not anymore one to one with the teacher, instead each of us needs to deliver a speech in front of everyone. Not only what we say will be judged, but also our gestures. Gosh, I have never done this before! I don't know if I can stay sincere while uttering every words in front of my classmates and teacher. I fear already that I will end up embarrassing myself. I'm not used to talk in English to the crowd. So I don't know if I can make it.

But I have no choice! I need to do it, otherwise I will fail in Speech Communication class for sure. The finals count 40 percent, so it's among all the four exams always the highest part of the final grade for the whole semester. My exam will be on Wednesday. I did already choose my speech, all I have to do now is to memorize the whole thing. Wish me luck everyone!

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