Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Problems with my DSLR Camera

On my trip to Singapore, I got this DSLR camera and an instruction book how to use it, but until now I still don't know how to use the DSLR properly. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. I messed up something, and whenever I try to take photos now, it says the subject is too dark even when I am outside in the sun, so I always have to use the flash. Something in the settings is wrong now, but it was okay until my brothers and cousins played with it.

It's hard to figure out what I need to do to fix it. Since I don't know much about the camera. I started reading the book, but it is still frustrating that I do not find anything that might explain why the camera is acting like that. The book has too many pages, so reading it all will take me long time.

I hope I could fix it soon though, so I can use it in Samar for the kids graduation in April. The camera is not broken, I just need to know which setting has changed so that it works like before again.

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