Friday, March 10, 2017

We live not to please anyone

We don't live our life everyday to please anyone,  If some people don't like you for being you, then that's their problem, not yours anymore. As long as you don't give them reasons to dislike you, it is okay to let them hate you.

It's really no problem to hear bad rumors about you from people who you barely sees and know. They are good at making up stories, they never care whether it is true or not. You just ignore them and don't let them affect you.

Sometimes we need to learn how to accept things in a nice way. We can't get mad over all disappointments, since not everything we desire can be given to us. I'm only a human. I'm not someone who have any magic to give you what you asked for. Honestly I'm also someone who happens to be just like you, I don't get anything for free. And I work for my living, it may be not a heavy work, but still I call it a job.

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