Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Abandoned children

It is a sad fact about the Philippines: it is common here that a woman gives birth but then abandons the child because she cannot take care of the child. Some get pregnant too early, some get pregnant unwanted, and sometimes the father of the child disappears as quickly as the belly grows and leaves the woman alone with all the responsibilities to take care of the child.

However, I do not really understand how somebody can abandon a poor child. I mean why didn't you think first before becoming pregnant? Why did you wait for your womb to get to 9 months if you'd end up abandoning the baby? And why don't you accept children as a gift from God? Seriously, many couples out there are longing for a child but never get granted their wishes, while you throw away the chance to be a mother to the new born child you abandoned. It's so sad!

You could have at least thought about the condequences of what you're about to do, whether it is good, or not. When the child is born, you have to face the responsibility. Killing a child or abandoning it is a huge sin to God. Nowadays teens does this more often, they go for abortions, because they think that's the best thing that they can do in order to hide from their parents that they got pregnant. That may be convenient, but I believe it is not the best solution. There is always a better solution. You should accept the outcome of what you did, and try to give the child a happy life, then that would be okay. Remember that many out there want what God had given to you, but they can never bear a child. Consider yourself lucky!

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