Sunday, March 12, 2017

Graduation's date

Today during our literacy and recreation program in NSTP, we were again informed about the exact date of our graduation. Instead of March 27 it's been moved to April 1. Well,  April 1 is still earlier than most other school's graduation's date. I have no complaints, as long as they don't move it to the second week of April. Because I just think I deserve a two months break away from school.

From all the embarrassment and stress I deal with P.E, I believe I needed a long break. LOL. I'm happy that I will be finishing with my P.E. subject this year, I just hope I'd passed though. It wouldn't be so cool of me if I failed, and then I would need to repeat it next year. I have faith in my P.E. instructor so maybe he'd consider passing me and the rest who do not also know how to dance, and always have the hard time following steps. We are now at the finals, this will be the last examination we need to deal. We can do this, until the end of the semester.

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