Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tired after exam

Coming home from school into a clean room and no laundry on my basket makes me feel relieve. No chores today! I had a tiring day. I was out the whole day, now that I am back in my boarding house all I want to do is resting. Maybe I go to sleep early. I am really tired, my eyes are hurting. Hopefully, I can sleep soon.

It was a bit stressful at the school, because I had presented my speech. I felt as I wasn't ready at all. I felt like I forgot all important words and sentences that I prepared for my speech. But my teacher is just too kind, she gave me a passing grade for my speech. And I'm grateful for that. Anyway, two more exams and I am finally done with all the stress.

So that's just one thing what I did today. I did eat dinner already, now I am full. What I need the most is rest, I just want to sleep all night long. I am not worried about waking up late tomorrow as I don't have school in the morning.

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