Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Thinking of my mom

I wonder how my mom is doing right now? It's been a long time since I saw her. I really miss my mom, but I can't do anything to see her. I don't even know where she is at this time. I only know that she has a new husband, and they're living together. She didn't contacted me since we fought. I think she got mad at me. I know I am a hardheaded child of her, and we didn't always agree.

It has been 8 years since she left us and my dad. There were times when I hoped for her to come back. In fact I wished that she and dad would get back together. But I can't blame my mom for not coming back to dad, because when they were together I saw that my dad did physically hurt my mom a couple of times. That's the reason why she left, and I understand her. But as a mother of 4 children, she shouldn't have abandoned us. At least she could have taken my little brother who was very small then.

Before, we are always longing for her presence, but now that we're all grown up, it is easier and we are used to have no mother around us. I cannot read my brothers minds, so I don't have idea what my brothers think of mom. Do they miss her? I do think of her, just not always. I may be far away from her, but she is our mother and I love her, I wish I could see her one day again. I miss her!

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