Saturday, February 25, 2017


How I wish I was already finished with my studies and already employed. I think when I'm working and earning, I can save some money so that later in the future I can start my own business. I want to be my own boss instead of being employed. Haisst, when would that day come? It is still a long way to reach my goals, as I am still at the middle of studying.

One day I will start a small business that hopefully will grow bigger. I know what I want to do, and I will make it come true. I'll do my best to start it. I could have done it before, but I was stupid to spend all the money that came to my hand instead of saving. I wasted money and never I realized of investing any to a small business. I was young and immature back then. Well, even now, life gets me confused sometimes, but before it I was even more confused.

I wish I could turn back times and correct my mistakes and bad decisions. Now, I am back to the beginning. How I wish I was born wealthy so that I have no problem doing what I wanted in life.

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