Thursday, February 2, 2017

Addiction to Facebook

Image thanks to Mayu Shimizu
Someone asked why my eyes are so red, and why am I losing weight. What? Really? Well, I noticed the changes of my body, but I don't really have time to mind it. I mean what can I do if that's how I'm becoming. Maybe it is school stress. I certainly get enough food. And about my eyes, they only get red when I don't have enough sleep at night. And yes, I can feel the pain sometimes when I am tired but not sleeping. My eyes turn to red become watery. Anyway I get used to it!

Some people around me always seem to notice things about me. My addiction to Facebook made me this way. I am 100% sure I got this eyes problem from using too much internet at night. Being on Facebook most of the time gives me a hard time sleeping. That's why I always have eyebags in the morning. How I wish I could stop this kind of habit! But how can I do this if I feel incomplete whenever I am not seeing stuff from my Facebook. It is really a bad addiction.

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