Sunday, February 19, 2017

Divine Mercy Chapel

There is this place called Tungkip Bridge located in Llorente Eastern Samar. There, you can see a big chapel called Divine Mercy Chapel. Once you get through the gate, you'll see the amazing ambiance of their church. Well, the chapel is often closed, but even the outside is nice. There's a lot of things that you can do once you go there: you can do skateboarding, you can take picture with your friends, or just sit and relax. The view is really nice, because it is nearby the ocean. No wonder many foreigners visit the place!

But this chapel is not being used for regular masses. It is too far away from the actual village. It is not easy to go there, since there is no public transportation to here, as the road is too narrow and not fixed. So you have to walk. If you are an adventurous person, you'll like it. Also don't go there when you're alone, better if you're with a group of people or friends. The walk is a bit away from everything. I'm not saying it is dangerous, but I think going with friends makes you feel more comfortable. That's at least my opinion about the place.

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