Thursday, February 23, 2017

San Juanico Bridge

Yesterday in our free time, I and my classmates decided to visit the San Juanico Bridge here in Tacloban, Leyte, which is considered the most beautiful bridge of the Philippines. It is also the longest bridge over seawater in the Philippines with 2200m (7200 ft). This was a spontaneous decision, someone came up with the idea and the majority of us liked it.

From the school, we went to downtown to look for the transport that goes to the bridge. But nobody of us did know where the Jeepney start that goes to the bridge. We tried to ask a few people until we found a jeepney. Going to San Juanico Bridge costs only 13 pesos by jeepney.

However, our trip wasn't that great. When we were half way, it started raining, and then it stopped after a while. When we reached the bridge, we were surprised that the highway wasn't wet, which means it didn't rain there. So we started walking from the beginning of the bridge to the end. But when we're in the middle of the bridge it started raining again. We got wet. We had only two umbrellas, not enough for all of us. That's what happened in our first visit to San Juanico Bridge.

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