Thursday, February 9, 2017

Canhugas Nature Park

It is official: The Canhugas Nature Park is no longer free for visitors. It has an entrance fee pg 1- PHP already. I think it is very affordable for every visitor. It is the same entrance fee with Minasangay. The advantage of most resorts and beaches here in the province is that they don't ask for too much in the entrance fee. Most other beaches demand a higher entrance fee than 10 PHP. But still Canhugas can now make money from that entrance fee from visitors. Let's hope the fee is used for preserving the nice environment there.

Now that Canhugas is no longer free, I hope that the number of visitors that comes to the place won't change. Everytime I visit the place, it's always crowded. I haven't been to Canhugas since the entrance fee is on, but soon I might go there to check it out now. Maybe the number of smaller children that spend their leisure time there may be reduced, since they can't really afford the 10 PHP, unless they are with their parents. But I will still go there, and pay my 10 PHP, since it is a nice place.

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