Sunday, February 19, 2017

Vacation soon

Just one more month, and then it is summer vacation time. It's going to be a longer vacation this time, about two months. You can do many things without thinking about school homework. Some other students will take summer classes, but my course does not need that. I still haven't figured out what I will do on the upcoming summer. There's a lot of things that I want do, yet I can't decide what to do. I wish I could go somewhere worth visiting this year though.

I even got invited by my old girl friends to go to Boracay in March, but that's too early. I will still be in class at that time, hence I said no. It would have been tempting if it was free. I am still a student, and I write blogs in order to make a little bit of money, but the money is just enough for my everyday expenses. So I refused to go with them. Maybe when I graduated and find a better job with a reasonable salary, then it's the time I could afford to travel to other places. So I guess I'll just stay in province during summer, or I go to my cousin in Manila. I still have plenty of time to think of what I want to do later anyway.

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