Friday, February 17, 2017


The next examinations are coming next week, hence it's going to be a rough week for me. And it means I have to be in the city until the examination day is over. That is so okay with me. I have to review and focus on my study. This will be the pre-final examinations, I can't fail neither of my subjects. I think I will have to do better this time. I know, I can! It is just the P.E. subject that worries me. Until now I still cannot memorize the dance steps that we need to show next week. I don't know what to do with it.

College is never easy, everything is difficult, and stressful, but I think I can manage it. All you have to do is to be positive on things, and do as much as you can to overcome the difficulties you're dealing with. After you put enough efford in something, things will go your way as you want it, And so is studying. I'm thinking if I give up one of my subjects just because I find it hard to do, it means I am weak, and that won't help me to graduate. My course is only two years, one year of studying is almost over. I'm half way to fulfilling my goal, I'm not giving up. I can do this!

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