Saturday, February 18, 2017

Going home

I am done with school for today. Since tomorrow is Sunday I decided to go home to Samar. I'm now here at the van-van terminal bound for Borongan. This van will leave at 5pm, so by 8pm I'll be home already. Maybe earlier than 8pm if the driver drives fast. I feel hungry, even though I ate lunch, I wanted to eat before I leave the city, but I had to hurry myself so that I can catch the last van going to Borongan. I'll just eat when I get home. My cousin told me on the phone that they cooked seashells, and vegetables.

It's been a while since the last time I had seashells. I can't wait to get home. I'm going to eat, and then rest. I brought my notes, so while I'm at home, I can review some of my notes for the exams on Monday. It is not really necessary for me to review everything, because we only have Q&A in speech communication which should be easy for me.

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