Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not just for couples! Love can come in various forms, it is either love for your parents, siblings, or partners, or wife or husband. February the 14th is the day of hearths where you show love to everyone who is special in your life. But some people make it a big deal that they are not having a date on Valentine's Day, and some become disappointed with it.

We're all deserve to be loved by someone special. If you know you are not having a date on the 14th, well, be happy still, because your time will come, and you'll find the right person for you. Who knows what happens later. Maybe your Valentine's date becomes your Forever who you are not only spending Valentine's day but many years, maybe your whole life. So to all the singles out there, be happy with your life, and don't be bitter! If you have no significant other yet, then date your parents instead, or your siblings. I think that would be a good idea! Anyway: Happy Valentine's day to all of us and have a blessed day!

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