Thursday, February 16, 2017

Killing a crazy dog

I am an animal lover and I don't like it when animals get killed. I also think it is against the law to kill a dog. But what about a crazy dog that threatens the safety of children? Is that an offense at all?

Here in our barangay, a few dogs got killed. People didn't kill them just because they wanted to. The dogs were crazy, and had bitten some people already. Even the new born baby dogs of my auntie's dog got deadly bitten by a crazy dog. Six puppets died. I was here that one night. I heard the puppets crying, and my uncle and my dad woke up to see what's going on. They tried to get the crazy dog, but it was not easy to find the crazy dog at night.

But later on, people caught the crazy dog and killed it. For the puppets, it was too late, they all died that night. No baby dog survived. I love dogs, I hate seeing dogs killed by other people. But it is better that the bad dogs died so that they cannot victimize other dogs or people. There are plenty of crazy dogs here in the province, and they even bite people when they come too close. I am against killing animals, but sometimes it seems necessary for the safety of all.

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