Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Weather is good for laundry

Just done with my laundry! My auntie will be happy once she gets home from work when she sees that I washed all her dirty clothes. This is the first time for me doing laundry alone at my auntie house. Most times, I and my cousin do things together, but she went to her school today, so I decided to do the laundry alone. They will be surprised. I can't wait to see their reaction later.

The weather is really nice today. Tomorrow my auntie has her free day. She works as a househelp and mostly does laundry at her boss' house. Hence, I think she would be too tired to do her own laundry on her break day. Instead, she can relax tomorrow. That's why I did her this favor. I am looking forward to doing more useful things for her.

All I have to do now, is wait for it to get dry so later I can pull it down.

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