Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Movie Theater Trouble

Am I the only one who had trouble at the movie ticket counter today? I almost didn't make it to the cinema to watch "Fifty Shades Darker" as I didn't bring any ID with me, because I thought they wouldn't ask for it. I am already 23 years old, so I trusted that I look old enough. But I was wrong.

I was with my classmate, and we planned to watch the movie together. I met her at the front of the mall after I got my gifts. We went directly to the movie counter to buy tickets, but the movie sales lady asked me if I have an ID with me. She asked just me, not my classmate. I said, I'm sorry I don't have one here. She told me to ask the guards if they could let us in without ID before buying our tickets. The guards said no, they can't us inside without any proof of age. I was starting to get annoyed, but I tried to calm myself down. So I called my friend oversea by phone. He is in a different time zone, and I ringed him out of the bed, but I asked whether he has a picture of my passport. He should have since he did already book flights for me once. Luckily, he found some and sent them over the internet to me. Proudly, I showed that to the lady and we could finally buy the tickets.

So that's what going to happen if you're not tall enough for watching an adult movie. Better bring an ID next time just to be sure! And if you forgot, it is always good to have a friend who you can call for help! Thanks!

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