Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Online shopping

Are you experienced with online shopping? Did you ever purchase dresses or other clothing items online? My opinion is: forget it for dresses or shoes, because disappointments is frequent if the color or the size does not fit.

Looks can be deceiving! The item looked nice and right size on pictures, but when you then receive it and see it in real, it may look completely different. To avoid disappointments, do not order things when you have doubts. I am similar to most of you, when I have extra money and then I see something nice online, I want to get it. But I always stop myself from buying anything online. One of my friends had bad experiences with online shopping, therefore I am careful with this.

This does not mean no online shopping at all. It is ok for certain items, such as make-up, stationary, etc., just not for clothes. Well, if you get lucky with clothes sizes then that's good. It's just sometimes even you get the size you think would fit you, it comes too large or too small for you. So buying dresses online isn't that good. Just saying!

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