Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sweet Moment

Surprising someone dear to your heart doesn't need to be always at the exact date of a holiday. If it is sweet, then it is even sweeter when it is not on the expected day. Just like what happened today! My classmate wanted to surprise his girlfriend, and even though the Valentine's Day was already yesterday, he wanted it today. The surprise would be even bigger. This is what happened: during our breaktime, I was with my girl friends when he approached us and asked for our advice. He explained to us that he wants to surprise his girlfriend who works as a high school teacher. I am not good at surprising people, but my other friends had many suggestions and ideas what he could do.

After a while of planning, we went to buy all items: smaller flowers for each of us, a cake and a big a bouquet of flowers. After we settled everything, we then went to his girlfriend's school where she was teaching. So each of us girls went one by one inside to give his girlfriend our flowers, while he was hiding outside. Finally, as last person, he went inside the classroom with the bouquet, to enlighten his girlfriend who was already courious what this is all about.

It was my first time to be a part of that kind of surprise. I've never done it before. I was happy to witnessed their sweet moment. Now I know how it works next time someone would try to ask my help for this kind of surprise.

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