Friday, February 17, 2017


Good morning everyone! Today is Friday. I'm still in bed, no homework to do, so writing my thoughts right now is not a bad idea. Yesterday wasn't really a good day for me, it's been raining the whole time and flooding as usual. But now waking up and looking at the sky makes me think this is going to be a nice day. The sky is so bright today.

I could stay on bed until 4pm and then get up and get ready for school for my 5pm class. But I don't feel tired at all. I mean I had 10 hours of sleep, so that means I have a lot of energy for today. Maybe I do my laundry, but right now it is still cold and I'm not sure if I can wash clothes at this time. Also, I feel lazy for doing my laundry. My god, I really can't decide what I should do!

I haven't had breakfast yet. I want to eat pancake from Jollibee since I have some gift certificates here, still from my Valentine;s gift. I have enough certificates to eat Jollibee all week long, but I cannot keep up eating the same thing everyday. Well, final decision I'm going out and get some food from Jollibee. I hope everyone has a good day, or night, wherever you are, or what country you living in. Good luck!

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