Friday, February 10, 2017

Vacation is almost over

Today is Friday, just one more day before going back to the city. Vacation is comig to an end. Usually Monday noon is school day for me, so it means I will be having a hectic schedules this coming week, since we had a week of vacation. I'll have to deal with the P.E dance steps again, I have to learn the steps my teacher teached us last time. The sad thing is that I can no longer remember how the exact moves are.

P.E stressed me out everytime! I am bad at dancing, it's hard for me to learn. In school when we practice I'm always the one left hanging, looking at my other classmates who follow the dance steps easily. I really have to learn the dance steps that our teacher gaves us last time, because it will be our pre-final oral exam.

Sometimes I feels like giving up my P.E subject but thinking I'd not graduate if I stop going to P.E class, so I continue going, even tho it is hard dealing the subject. Those who can dance won't understand the struggle of other people who don't know how to dance. To them it's not a big deal, but to me everything that's difficult is always a big deal.

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