Friday, February 10, 2017


The best feeling in the world is when you have people around you that listen to you. That understand you for what you're going through. I thought I wouldn't be able to tell someone about what's bothering me, but here I am feeling so relieved that could discuss my personal problem that I wanted to forget, even though it can't be forgotten.

That feeling when you've no guts to tell anyone, even your family, about it, but you still ended up telling it to another person. And the other person takes you serious and discusses it with you honestly. In my case, it was better telling someone about my problem who is not a family. The own family sometimes does not have the necessary distance to the problem and then family betrays you by gossiping about it, or family exaggerates and by that bring you down. It is really hard to trust anybody nowadays. You'll only sense who's trusted and not.

I'm thinking if I would ever tell my mom about what I am going through, would she listen to me? Would she understand me? Would she cry and hug me? So many questions are in my head that are hard to answer.

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