Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fever from too much work

Don't laugh! I got sick from doing laundry! Now I must rest to get my strength back.

Yesterday, due to the very hot weather, laundry was stressful. Also, before dark, I went to drive my brother's motorbike, and while I was driving away the rain started to fall. It was already cold, and the wet air caused me to get sick. I really don't like it when I have a runny nose or headache or when it's hard to breath. Even my body was aching. I felt like I been lifting heavy stuff all day long. Well, I did yesterday, as I needed water to wash my laundry. First I had to fetch water and put on the the tub. Nobody helped me with it,  so I had to do it all by myself. Fetching water is difficult, when you have to bring it all the way to where your tub is. That's how province life is, we don't own a faucet.

So today I went to my cousin's house. His wife happened to know about massaging, so she gave me a massage for 50 Peso. I thought my body pain would go away after getting massage, but until now I am still feeling bad, and my arms is painful. My auntie told me if you feel the body pain while having cold, then the possibility is you'll be having fever, so before bed time I took medicine for fever, I hope this goes away when I wake up.

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