Sunday, February 19, 2017

My tasks for today

The weather is looking good on this Sunday morning. Today should be a free day for most people, but not to me. I have many things to do today: First, I have to do our laundry. We have so many dirty clothes that I and my cousin are going to wash. My auntie will not be able to help us, as she has work until noon today. This will take us hours to finish our laundry, but we still have enough time to dry them when we're done.

Our second task for today is going to the farm. We'll have to gather logs for cooking. Perfect timing for this is in the afternoon. Right now the field is slippery, and logs is probably wet since it is morning and the sun hasn't really coming out yet. But you can tell already now how nice the weather will be today. So after writing this, we'll be heading to the river. According to my cousin, the past few days had rain, so people couldn't go to the river and wash clothes. They were worried that clothes don't get dry. I just hope it is not too crowded this time. So I'm going off now. Have a great day to all!

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