Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bad weather, bad teacher

Even though it is raining here at the moment, I still want to say "Good morning to everyone here". I'm ready for school. I even woke up very early as my first subject starts at 7:30am, but I'm still here at my place waiting for the rain to stop. It is not stopping, flooding is coming up for sure.

But I'm glad we didn't have classes in CRM. My classmate told me that our CRM instructor didn't came to school. He is absent again, and then later he will probably give as reading material instead of teaching us. That's what he always do, just like the previous examinations. He gave us a handouts of 400 pages. He told us to study those handouts, but he gave us only very short time, and then a quiz. The way he teaches us is so different than other instructors we had. He could give us smaller pieces to study each day and he could explain, instead of giving us 400 pages at once without much explanation.

So many students are complaining of his teaching skills. I think he is still new to his job, so maybe that's the reason why his teaching are like that. This CRM course is not optimal for me.

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