Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sick Cousin

I just found out that my cousin is at stage 2 of breast cancer. I didn't know she's undergoing this illness until she had contacted me last night. She is looking for a househelp, because her husband is going back to Jeddah this coming month. She needs a househelp while she is going to a chemo therapy, and maybe an operation.

I understand her situation, as she has two little kids,  a boy and a girl that need to be taken care of. I wish I could find her a househelp as soon as possible. Her illness is a traitor, it can't be ignored. Until now I can't believe she has breast cancer. Looking at her photos in facebook, no one would think she has it. Stage 2 is already a worrying stage. I hope that she over come this, as she has childrens that needed a mother's care.

I'm so glad her husband has a job. He is been working abroad for years now. I think they have enough money to provide for her chemotherapy. I wish my cousin her recovery as soon as possible, she's only in her 30s.

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