Sunday, February 26, 2017


Today is Sunday, no school, no work, and also no electricity all over Leyte and Samar. If you didn't charge your phone last night, you are out of connection at least until tonight. The blackout was announced yesterday. Sometimes it is just good to have a break from the internet. I think the power will be back in the evening. 

My phone battery is at 25% only. So this is going to die soon, but I am not worried, because I borrowed a powerbank from a friend. Once my phone dies, I can just charge it with the powerbank. I'm thankful that someone I know has a powerbank. Next time I'm getting my own powerbank so that I don't have to bother other people. I used to have two powerbank, but I lend one to a friend who then lost it, and the other one I gave to my mom. I'm not sure if she still has it. One of both was really a good quality. I got it for free from purchasing the iPhone 6 back in 2015. All are gone now (as well as the iPhone which got stolen)! 

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