Monday, August 21, 2017

Visiting Thailand soon

Pic of Thailand thanks to Diego Delso (CC license)
I have some travel plans for the semester break. I will travel to Thailand in end of October. I can't wait to see the beauty of Thailand. I love Thai food. I have tasted few Thai dishes already and I can't wait to try more of those spicy food.

Since I am visiting Thailand, I will have to learn Thai language, at least few important words such as Sawadee ka (which means the same like Kumusta ka). I heard that Thai people don't speak English as good as in the Philippines. Maybe people will think that I am Thai and try to talk in Thai to me. The same happened while I was in Indonesia, as I was mistaken as an Indonesian. But during my stay in Indonesia, I didn't really find it difficult because the people I bumped into knew how to speak English. Not sure about Thailand!

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