Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My rice cooker is broken

I am usually a nice person. I am never bad or selfish with anyone around me. When someone needs my help, I try to help (except when it comes to money, since I am poor). So, when my friends wanted to borrow my rice cooker, I gave it to them, because I know how it feels not having one. They have not enough money to buy their own, because they have family to support, hence their salary goes to the family right after they get it. So I let them use mine while I'm not using it.

But now my rice cooker is broken and nobody takes responsibility for it. Neither of the three of them admitted their mistake to me. I was disappointed when I tried to cook rice but the rice cooker was no longer working. Nobody mentioned anything, they just returned it to me like nothing happened. This is sad. If I ever get a new rice cooker, I will keep it for myself.

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