Thursday, August 31, 2017

The year goes by too fast

You realize that September is coming already and you haven't done any of the New Year's resolution that you promised last year to do in 2017. It will be just four months before this year ends. Surely for some of us, nothing will change. We will again make up the same plan we keep doing every year.

We will never accomplish anything in life if we are only good at planning things up, but not making it happen. Nothing good will really happen if we do it like that. Once we come up with some ideas we sure we'd do it one at a time.

There are people who are good at planning, and later became successful because they do the right thing. They just don't make plans, rather they think wisely on how they'd start each of their plan little by little. 2017 is about to be over, and here I am doing the same thing. It's like I've been doing things wrongly.

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