Monday, August 7, 2017

Chilling with Relatives

Good evening to those having their evening at this time, like me! I am watching an old movie right now with my brother and my auntie. It's too early for me to sleep and I don't think I'd be able to sleep soon, because I slept for few hours this afternoon. Everytime I do that it is always hard for me to fall asleep at night. I didn't want to sleep though, but I felt so tired and sleepy I fall asleep pretty easily today. I was actually out last night with my cousins we went to watch vesper night in barangay Ularon. We were there until 1pm.

Now I know I will be up late. I'll probably watch movies until I fall asleep. Even I can't hear the movie due to none stopping thunderstorm I will not mind it at all, as long as I have something to do while I cannot sleep. My brother and my auntie are not going to stay awake until midnight. They don't have sleeping problem. Soon they would be knocked out. LOL!

I hope everyone is enjoying the night. :)

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